Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chevron Backsplash

We have relatively nice looking black formica countertops.  I would love to have some sort of stone or marble, but there isn't a budget for that.  I'd thought about updating the backsplash with tile, but since the counters have a built in backsplash, I wasn't sure how the whole look would go...and to be honest, even cheap tile is really pushing my budget.

Enter the wonderful world of stencils.  I've now done 2 accent walls in my house with stencils (soon to be revealed) and I just enjoy the simple transformation.

I first tried to make my own chevron stencil, but that was an utter failure.  So I ordered a very affordable one from Ebay, which put this project at about $16 since I already had the paint.

My walls are already painted in SW Zircon.  I used Duron's Aria Ivory (colormatched by Valspar) for the stripes.



This process was really painful as far as my energy, time and stress level.  To be honest I had moments where I felt rage-lol.  Gah, those corners...and the window!!  I started it at 7pm (thinking it wouldn't take long) and finished around 1am, but it was so worth it (even with the rage). 

Obviously, my work area lacks order and beauty, but it got the job done

The only thing I don't love are the imperfections that naturally come with stencils, but overall, it's amazing.

I love everything about how the kitchen looks now.  The chevron pattern is enough of a repeat that it almost appears to be like tile.


I love how my new coffee bar looks here as well as 

 The other side of the kitchen

 The wire basket holds our fabric napkins. 
The tiered shelf holds fruits and veggies - I'm still trying to decide if I should paint it white...thoughts?

 I repainted the front of this little frame in plumage blue 
 (I left the inside the original color for interest).  
A gift to me from my sister, it has my motto stitched on it as a beautiful reminder of perseverance.

I hope you've enjoyed the little walk through my kitchen.  It's so much more exciting and bright now and will be a much needed pick me up during the long dark winter months.

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