I have really stepped away from the "doing" that typically accompanies this month of holiday celebration. I've cut my online time in half at least, and some days I just don't get on at all (which is so freeing). The pressure I usually feel is just gone. Most of it is usually self imposed stress anyway and it's just not worth the cost. My daily "being" should be focused on my family and the peace that needs to surround us.
The kids have continued to do school this month, rather than take a break as we normally do, since we've had a lot of weeks off this year due to traveling. With the horrific violence we've seen in the last week or two, I've felt the need to protect the kids from trauma and so we've sheltered them from this story. The theater shooting in Colorado was enough...they don't need to see this too.
Because I've kept us relatively cushioned from real life stuff, we've been able to just enjoy the season. We've watched movies, calmly shopped and gathered what we need for gifts and stayed out of the rush.
I found a great blog post by The Mommyhood Memos with details on doing celebrating Advent with the kids. The Bible stories are fabulous and we're really enjoying the quiet time reading together as we prepare to celebrate His birth.
This Advent pocket banner (in my beloved burlap) was found at a cute vintage store while I was in Washington. I love having it on the wall.
I tucked each days' reading into the pockets. Next year, I'll come up with a prettier and more uniform look for the inserts, but for now, the scrapbook paper looks just fine.
I pray you're able to find peace this season, remembering what is truly important and leaving the rest behind.
I have a few book reviews to do and also want to show the Christmas decorating that's been done here in my cozy house, so I'll be back for a few posts this week. Have a wonderful Sunday!

I'm a slower blogger these days too as I just have so much going on in my life teaching my new student since the end of August in sewing. It makes me sew more too. We don't have a TV so we are escaping all the negative news. I can see it in the paper and on the computer but I can limit myself this is why no TV I like to pick and choose what I watch not have it forced on me. I can't do a thing to change what happened and I can feel bad the rest of my life and this would change nothing so I just give it all up to God to deal with. Hope your family has a great Christmas. Peace Nan