Lunch is my hardest task since life is so busy and it's hard to stop and make them something they like. We used to depend on sandwiches and macaroni and cheese, but those aren't in the primal repertoire.
Here was our lunch today:
Primal Sushi Bites
I don't need to describe the process for you, it's pretty easy. All you need is:
Full Fat Greek Yogurt
Vacuum packed tuna fish (or cans...I just prefer the packs)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Seaweed Wraps
The kids were eating outside, so I put it on plastic dishware. The little bites don't come out pretty since there's no starch to absorb the liquid, but they are yummy and super fast to make.
I accompanied the sushi bites with mini pickles and black olives
Happy Eating!!