Sunday, October 18, 2009

Isaac is 4!

LONG POST with lots of pics ahead: Well, he'll officially be 4 tomorrow afternoon, but his party was today and I have time, so I'm writing this now. Isaac Henry was our surprise baby. I had it in mind to wait another 6 months or so to have another baby. We took precautions (I won't go into the details for both of our sakes), but God had other plans. Against all odds and despite my plans, I discovered I was pregnant. It was a growing time for me. It happened to coincide with a great Bible study I happened to be doing about how God is sovereign...NOTHING is out of his control. He allows things we don't understand, but in the end HIS Will will be accomplished. Oddly enough, the chapter I studied right before I took the pregnancy test was on how God opened and closed wombs in the old testament. He has it all under control. He had chosen to open my womb, and once again, He knew exactly what He was doing. My pregnancy was tough, and Isaac's birth was the hardest of any of my kids. I learned a lot about myself in those 14 very difficult hours. However, upon coming into this world, Isaac was pure joy. His name means "Laughter" and he well lives up to it. He's been nicknamed by the Grandparents "Sunshine Boy" because he is just a ray of sunshine. He's happy to be noticed. He's not demanding. He is truly pure sweetness.
He was cuddly from the start. Though I had used a ring sling with the other 2, with Isaac I REALLY got into babywearing. It was a HUGE part of his first 2 years. Some of it was probably necessity, because I had my hands full with the other two kids. But honestly, most of it is that I loved having him close to me all the time. He loved being worn, and I was happy to oblige.

These are some of the last times I wore him. In the first, I was 8 months pregnant with Ephraim and Isaac was sick. We were building our house, and had to be outside to work on stuff. I wore both him and my niece Esther so my sister could do the heavy lifting with Dave. The other one he fell asleep in about 30 seconds once he got up there, haha.

Here are a couple of fun pics of the last 4 years with him.

Some of the awesome things about Isaac: He's sweet, funny, gentle, compassionate, articulate, smart, and tough. He adores sports and roughhousing, but is never too busy to play dolls with his older sister. He is patient with his older brother and nurturing to his younger brother. I could find much more to write, but I think I've probably exhausted this page enough. Isaac has brought tons of joy into our lives and Dave and I are both so blessed and privileged to raise him.

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