Elsa turned 10 today.
I was struck as I was choosing a birthday card for her how she is on the cusp of young womanhood. I couldn't choose the younger looking cards, but the regular ones weren't quite right either.
That's kind of how it is when you're 10...you're not a little girl anymore, but you're not really grown up yet. I remember my 10th birthday very well and so I know that this date is a big one for Elsa. The changes and emotions she will have to face over the next couple of years will be intense.
I'm hoping to cushion her some from the panicky feelings these changes will bring so that she feels grounded and stable. She and I have a very good relationship and I stay in fervent prayer that I can nurture her as an individual and not heap unattainable expectations on her.
Elsa is a true delight to have as a daughter. She is a wonderful sister and a good friend to all. She is very sweet and tender, but a little spicy and opinionated...wonderfully so.
For Elsa's main present, we got her a cruiser style bike. I've adored the new vintage-looking bikes for a while, so I was more than excited to get something so fun for my girl. As much as I normally avoid Wal Mart, I was thankful today that they had such a beautiful product for an affordable price.
Happy Birthday sweet Elsa girl!
Happy Birthday Elsa I love your bike!!