Thursday, July 19, 2012

Striped Office Reveal

I know you've been dying to see the new office (well, at least I know my Mom has been), so here it is!

Gorgeous right?

To remind you of where we've been, here is the before.  It was a dedicated guest room.  Since we only have guests stay with us a couple of times a year, we decided to make it more functional for us as a family 
(actually, I husband just shrugged his shoulders) 

I painted stripes on the walls for the biggest impact.  The longest part was taping it off, but once that's done, the rest of it went quickly.  Click here to see how I got such crisp clean lines on the walls.

We switched out the queen bed for this tufted futon.  The click clack style futon converts to full size bed.


The little lamp is so fun! I love the gray washed wood and how it casts lines on the walls. The black table is my sewing cabinet (one of these days, it will be used heavily)

You've all seen my special photo window, but here's a sneak peak at the closet I just redid (the reveal is coming, don't worry)

The kids' school computer is on this side, along with my organization/bill paying things

Fun little items from Target's Privet House line (love that stuff!)

 All my pending/to do paperwork is in this pretty little galvanized box

I already had the blackout curtains for our 24 hours of summer sun (they're short because of our baseboard first!).  The little chalkboard paint box holds all of our files.

 You can see how well my vintage/industrial style light fits in with the room

Those cows just make me swoon every time I walk in here. Aren't they soulful?

For the nitty gritty details.
This whole room cost me about $450 to redo, including the futon.  I sold the old bed for $300, so I came out pretty good for such a significant change.
Wood washed lamp - Zulily
Bamboo Rug - Wuslu (now Decor Steals)
Cow Art - Antique Farmhouse
Futon - Sears
Desk accessories - Target
Pinboard and ottoman/side table - Kohls

The walls are striped with SW Aria Ivory and Valspars Elephant (the BEST greige I've ever seen).
So, what do you think?  I'm so please with how the whole room came out.  Out of my whole house, this room is the most ME.  It embodies my personality I think.  The room came out a little vintage, a little modern, a little country, a little romantic.  Bliss!


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