The kitchen materials were changed to adapt to the farmhouse sink I found on Craigslist. The cabinet color did not come out the way I wanted, but otherwise I loved it. Can you believe this is the best photo I have of the kitchen?
Looking back, I thought I had all the time in the world to live there. We built it with the intention to retire there, so I had no drive to get "final" pictures of anything.
My favorite piece was the black island with the butcher block top. So lovely. It embodied who I am with my decorating style. I still miss it.
The dining room is just behind the kitchen. (I know it's not a pretty picture; I wasn't into photographing decor yet)
Living Room
From Above
Wall of windows
TV Room
(has also been a play room and a computer room. It is supposed to be a formal dining room on the plan...I like multi purpose rooms)
Master Suite
The Entry view from upstairs
The guest room and kids "dressing room". This was supposed to be Elsa's room, but she decided she wanted to share with the boys
Kids "Sleeping Room"
Kids Bath - I love the paint in here. I used the same paint color in all 3 bathrooms, and it looked different in each one. Beautiful.
Some of the decor isn't exactly what I would like, but funds were low. I did what I could with what I had and what I could find at garage sales and flea markets. The house was very hard to decorate, mainly because of the 2 story ceiling. It echoed and was difficult to make it warm and cozy. It felt vast. That's why the TV room and Kitchen was our "zone".
Thank you for looking. I'll post later with a short synopsis of why we had to move and why we chose where we're going. It's been a scary and exciting journey and I'm thrilled you're willing to take it with me.
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