We got a call on Friday that someone wanted to see the house today. Saturday I spent the day doing some organizing and finishing up the paint touch ups that needed to be done. Dave cleaned the garage and picked up outside.
Today I got up and focused on getting the whole house redusted and straightened up while Dave took the kids to church. Then I swept (because my stupid vacuum is broke) and hand mopped the floors. I borrowed my sisters vacuum to tackle the carpet and rugs. 5 hours of cleaning and setting the stage for the house...the just right lights turned on, a bowl of apples on the entry table, yummy smells wafting through the house (courtesy of Scentsy)
The people show up 1hr and 45min into their allotted time of 2 hours, and only stay for 15 minutes! I know this because we were hanging out at my sisters house. Seriously? 15 minutes. No serious buyer would stay for that short of a time. What's really frustrating is that we have an awesome virtual tour on our listing. It's so good it feels like you walked through the house already. So why bother to come out if you're not serious?
I feel like I wasted my time. I was a complete stress ball all day. Anyway, vent over. At least my house is spotless. In fact, I'm thinking up something fun to do for tomorrow....maybe Costco? Woooo! Yep, my life is a little boring these days.