My washer has been getting louder and louder on the spin cycle. I have an awesome washer that we purchased when we moved into the house 1.5 years ago. It's a Whirlpool Cabrio set and I adore it. However, I had to have a guy come out and see what's wrong. The bearings are bad. Already?! At least Whirpool is going to cover the parts. It still leaves us with a $300 labor charge, but I have to be thankful they cover the parts right?
Next up, 2 days later, my vacuum freaks out. It keeps going and going and won't shut off, even when unplugged. The cylinder and motor are in the garage. Dave goes out and presses the reset button. Now it won't work at all! I called and that repair guy had to call Beam to order a new circuit board (again, already?!) and it will be in next week.
So until then, I'm without a vacuum. My trusty, beloved vacuum that I use daily. It's my best most efficient cleaning tool. I'm feeling lost....and I had to go buy a BROOM! Not good.
At least my washer is still working, even if it sounds like a jet is trying to land on the house. Both are just freak happenings. I guess I'm just the lucky one. Nice.