Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lydia is one

Lydia Jane turned one year old today.  

One year ago, I gave birth to this precious child in my bathtub...just my husband and I.  If you haven't been around my blog long, you can read her birth story HERE.

I cannot believe that she's been with us for a year.  It's been a hard year, a life-altering year.  I am a changed Mama because of this delightful girl.

The other kids dote on her, but even more so today on this, her birthday.  

Ephraim spent today's bath time with his arm around her, in full protective mode.

Her birthday cupcake was a big hit

They LOVED watching her eat her cupcake

Such a lovely baby she is; with her vibrant personality

and her amazing, crazy hair

Happy Birthday my beautiful baby girl

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