But I'm content with the house. It looks good. Not as good as I wish it did. Because well, it's been a week and a half since I started. And I have 4 kids and husband. But it looks pretty darn nice overall. It's clean and organized.
What a beautifully organized bookcase! Things like that make a home feel good.
Living Room - (Curtains are still in the process of being washed)
Dining Room/Kitchen
(you can click on them to make them bigger)
(you can click on them to make them bigger)
Did you see all those windows I had to clean? (I confess, I didn't do the upper windows, I only attempt to tackle those once a year)
Sadly for us, we still have to sell it before we can move to Alaska. Built just a year and half ago on our beautiful piece of property...details slaved over, time spent contracting it ourselves, planning to retire in this house...and we need to sell. How time can change things. But I will rest in the fact that God has a purpose for everything and he has big plans for us. I don't know what they are, but I will rest in His Love.
A perfect Northwest day. The view is off our back deck. I will miss this.