Monday, October 21, 2013

Moments of Clarity

Every once in a while, there are moments that give your life clarity.  

I'm no different than anyone else when it comes to doubts about my decisions regarding parenting and lifestyle choices.  We live unconventionally here in our home, and while I love it, sometimes glimpses of others' more mainstream methods make me question myself.

Isaac turned 8 on Saturday.  We had a great time at our local Children's Museum playing with friends and then we came home and had pizza for dinner.

Late that night I heard a sobbing sound as Isaac made his way into my room to tell me that he's sad his birthday is over.  He was heartbroken...uncharacteristically so.

Lydia (2 1/2) was in bed with me and she sat up with concern.  "It's okay, Isaac".  But that wasn't good enough for her.  She got out of bed and went around to the other side where he was.  She hugged his leg "Oh, Isaac crying?" "It's okay, Isaac, it's okay" while patting him.  Over and over.  Her love and concern for him was apparent as she took on the nurturing role of an older sibling. 

My heart swelled with joy.
It was just one of those MOMENTS OF CLARITY.  

We're doing something right.  Lydia knows how to comfort because she sees it modeled.  Her siblings' emotions take precedence over hers because that's what she experiences herself.  

I'm sure we'll get plenty of things wrong as we're raising our kids, but if they come out of this process practicing compassion, love and selflessness, we've succeeded.  

Life is about RELATIONSHIPS.  Relationship with God, family and those around you...that is truly living.  That is how you change the world around you; by touching other people hearts and lives, which in turn nurtures your own soul.

Moments when I see their sweet faces look like this. 

They are why I'm here in this moment and time.  Joy is mine.

1 comment:

  1. I personally applaud your choices! You just keep doing as the Lord leads! Blessing to all of you!
    Rebecca Smith


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