Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cozying up the house

Goodness, I've been really busy around here lately.  Too busy to blog or even read other blogs (gasp!).

With the temperatures already getting below zero, it was time to cozy up the house. 
I moved some furniture around in the living room, which always sets off some sort of design chain-reaction.  This time it was a now empty wall.  To solve that, I finally finished my book page wreath that was started toward the beginning of the year.  This thing took FOREVER to get done and caused many hot glue gun blisters (ouch!).

The book I chose is a baby name book.  If you know me at all, I'm obsessed with baby names, but we've had our last baby and so it was time to put the book away.  I made sure all of my kids' first and middle names were in prominent places on the wreath.

I used natural toned muffin pan liners to fill in empty spots and create a color contrast.  The ribbon is hand stamped and hand dyed from Etsy. 

 I love it, and it fills this empty wall beautifully on it's own.

 My bedding got switched out to heavier fabrics and flannel sheets.  So cozy.  I'm so excited to go to bed tonight (after I stay up really late on blogger).

The strange bump on the right side of the bed is called a Tres Tria...the best co-sleeping invention EVER.

Honestly, my biggest focus right now is the boys' room.  It's a work in progress and I'm hoping the get the whole thing painted this weekend.  The slats are up on part of the room, but we have to recut some that are too long for the walls.

  I still have 2-5 bookcases (depending on how ambitious I'm feeling) to paint with Miss Mustard Seed milk paint.  Hopefully I can do the reveal before we leave for Washington.  

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