Friday, July 8, 2011

Lydia smiles

My sweet girl is working on her smile.  She twinkles for a while before she cracks one, and then she puts her whole body into the effort, even curling her toes ♥

She finally realized she likes her bouncer (it buys me an extra 10 minutes of quiet a day!)
I finally captured portions of her smile on camera.  I included this one because I love baby yawning pictures
Then she starts to twinkle
 aaaand Action ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Let's see that again, shall we?
 She got a little Quasimodo here, but I still love her enthusiasm

We're enjoying her a lot.  You should hear the kids howl with laughter when she smiles...I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Those lovely toothless smiles are priceless. She's a lovely baby

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