My sister and her kids were here for almost 2 weeks. We had a great time together. I've spend some time today getting some of the most used rooms back together. 7 kids unsupervised while their Mommies focus on decorating and projects is pretty hard on a house, haha! On a good note, touch up paint and oxi-clean can do wonders! ;) The awesome part is that Amber and I got a ton done while she was here. Wall stuff hung, furniture rearranged and "set" and we even got my last 3 rooms painted. Whew!
For today, I wanted to show off my daughters room. She is the only girl with 3 brothers. I'm so thankful she likes girly things.
She wanted a bright pink room, but I was planning for a soft rose pink. Well, fate and my budget intervened. We found an "oops" pepto bismol pink at the local store for $5. I bought a $5 quart of white and mixed it in to try and tone the brightness down, but as you'll see below, it didn't work. Blinding pink or now, I think it still turned out pretty awesome. The important thing is that my girl loves it.
This is the only before pic I have of her room. You can see I had a blank slate to work with...and a not so pretty ceiling light.
I apologize in advance for the variations in color. I tried to use the natural light as much as possible, but I'm struggling with my camera settings to get good pics in the light we have here in Alaska.
The entry to her room
Cubes filled with some of her favorite things
I don't mind her fabric "headboard" treatment, but I have 4 shutters I'm hoping to get painted and then mount those behind her bed
I adore her bedding. It's just right for a 7 year old girl. Not too childish, but not too grown up either
She loves horses, so we did horse accents. This is my favorite piece. I got it from Etsy.
The most accurate pink is shown in this pic I believe
I changed out her white closet knobs to sweet green glass knobs
We accented with lime green to break up the constant pink. I snagged these closet organizer items at Lowe's for 75% off
The etsy sellers I bought the wall decals from sent along 2 cute little decals that we placed on the light switches. This bird is darling.
And the butterfly
My great Aunt painted this rose picture for me for my wedding. It has a soft blue background and I've always loved it. The frame was bright shiny gold, so I taped it off, painted it white and distressed it
Her dresser top. This dresser was mine when I was little. I just gave it a light coat of fresh paint.
My girl's nickname is Elsa, so she loves this frame my Mom made for her
And her full name wall decal (beautiful!)
And finally, a pic of the lucky little darling. She is such a blessing. My boys are awesome, but it's amazing how my girl is intuitively helpful and already has feminine instincts as regards mothering, fashion and decorating. It's pretty fun having her around
Ephraim wanted in on the fun. He loves getting his pic taken
I hope you enjoyed the tour! Thanks for looking. I'd love to hear what you think :)
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