While Amber is here, we decided to take the kids to see the Santa Claus House. It is such a neat place. Here are some of the pics I took today while we were out there.
For those whose kids write to Santa, there's a real address. About 80% of Santa Claus letters go here from the PO :)
They have a group of real life reindeer that live there too (we discovered that while they're regrowing their antlers and are in "velvet" that the antlers are live tissue that bleeds for a couple of days while it sheds the velvet) The kids thought that bit of news was great.
And the great big Santa Claus that you can see from the highway. Ephraim was so excited to walk up and see Santa close up
And then just in case you're visiting town in an RV, there is the fun Santa Land RV Park, complete red and green picnic tables
And then inside the store....it's the full Christmas spirit in there. Santa is taking a fall break to get ready for Christmas so we didn't get to meet him in person, but his chair was there and available for sitting on

The kids are looking forward to meeting Santa next month. This a great place to have access to!