Do I do short curtains? Valances? Roman blinds? I looked into the roman shades, but they were too spendy. I don't have the sewing skills or patience right now to tackle sewing faux shades. Then I found this etsy seller Paula and Erika - Etsy - I did a custom order with them for 2 valances and 2 door panels made with Osnaburg. Osnaburg has fabulous texture and depth. It has the organic feeling of burlap and muslin, but is more substantial. They only took about 2 weeks to get here to AK. And I LOVE them.
~Dining Room~
~Living Room~
And just for fun, this is what my dining room looks like most of the time. My kids love to color and draw and it's a constant struggle to get them to stop long enough to have the table look nice. Oh, and their schoolwork is on the table too.
The daily massacre of my measly autumn display
Our only halloween decorations (now covered by my curtains) I a spoilsport or what?
I hope you love my curtains as much as I do. I think they solved my problem effortlessly. I was thinking a ruffled burlap runner would be awesome on the table. And then I was reminded of what it normally looks like and I know that no runner would survive the kids' daily abuse. It would be more annoyance than it's worth. So I'll just enjoy my window coverings and let the rest go. I think the kids are worth relaxing a little.