Monday, February 8, 2010


I was chatting with another Mama today and telling her a bit about homeopathy, so I will share here too.  I am passionate about it, as I've seen the positive effects many times.  It is a great alternative to going to the Dr or using medication.  In fact, Homeopathy should be the first step when treating your family for pain and illnesses.  Side effects are nil, and the benefits are amazing.  I love that when treating small kids that can't tell you whats wrong, you can treat the emotional symptoms they're displaying for a positive outcome. 

First up:  Get a homeopathy kit and a good reference book. 

I like this one, since it has pretty much every remedy you would need and the Castro book which is excellent:
Comprehensive kit with reference book

There are others that are less comprehensive and more affordable, like this:
Simple household kit

Also, take a great class teaching the basics and history of homeopathy.  I took this one 8 years ago 
Introduction to Homeopathy

Homeopathy is based on the theory that "Like Cures Like".  A great example of homeopathy ideas with mainstream application is Quinine.  Quinine is used to treat malaria and is very effective.  The bark of a cinchona tree, which quinine is derived from, will cause malaria like symptoms in a healthy person.  However, you give the same remedy to a sick person with malaria like symptoms, and the quinine stimulates the body to heal itself.  It's an amazing theory.  You treat the cause of the sickness (only your body and God knows what the cause is) through utilizing the symptoms instead of suppressing the symptoms like traditional medicine does.  Check it out.  It's all really fascinating.
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